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Fresh Box Salad

Package Design
Pattern Design
Stationery Design
Tote Bag Design
Label Design
Catalog Design


LifeStyle Photography: Naghmeh Kalantari

As the creative mind behind Fresh Box Salad's visual identity, I had the privilege of translating the essence of this Tehran-based take-away haven into captivating packaging and label designs. Fresh Box Salad, renowned for its diverse menu of organic delights, entrusted me with the task of encapsulating its commitment to freshness and health in every visual detail.

From salad containers to sandwich wraps, and beverage labels, each element of the packaging was meticulously crafted to reflect the premium quality of the culinary offerings. A harmonious blend of vibrant imagery and crisp, modern design aesthetics was employed to convey the freshness that sets Fresh Box Salad apart.

The label designs, serving as ambassadors for the brand, seamlessly communicate the dedication to high-quality ingredients that define Fresh Box Salad's culinary philosophy. The result is a visual identity that not only mirrors the freshness and health-focused ethos of the restaurant but also enhances the overall dining experience for patrons indulging in the delights of Fresh Box Salad.

Fresh Box menu is mainly SALADS which are basically categorized into four main types:
1- Meat-based
2- Chicken-based
3- Seafood-based
4- Plant-based

Each category is defined by a certain color and Icon. Pink for meat-based meals, Orange for Chicken-based, Purple for seafood-based, and green for plant-based ones.

Every salad has its own custom package specially designed with a chart illustrating the nutrition facts printed on it so the user can be aware of the number of Calories and nutrition he consumes after finishing each box.

freshboxsalad package design graphic design
Fresh Box Salad  package design packaging branding identity healthy food graphic designer art direction Toronto Canada Tehran Iran Mahtab Sarem Aslani

Fresh Box Salad & Sweet Box Pastry 
Catalog Design

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